
Myobol-8 90 capsules

Anabolic compound containing 8 synergistic and patented ingredients for GH and testosterone increasing

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Myobol-8 is a powerful endocrine optimizer and stimulator containing synergistic natural ingredients, useful for its invigorating and natural anabolic action.

Amino acids, plant extracts and micronutrients essential to provide a powerful endocrine boost in order to promote the natural endogenous secretion of the hormones Gh and Testosterone, anabolic compounds essential for the construction of lean mass.

Myobol-8, the 8 key ingredients for the anabolic matrix

1. D-Aspartic acid

What’s this? It is an essential amino acid that acts in the brain as an excitatory neurotransmitter and is involved in the urea cycle.

What is it for? In the endocrine system D-Aspartate (D-Asp) is involved in the regulation of hormonal synthesis and secretion; can increase the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and growth (GH) and is involved with the secretion of testosterone and progesterone.

2. Alpha GPC (50% soy derived)

What’s this? L-Alpha-glycero-phosphocoline is a natural compound of choline that can be found in the brain and milk. Alfa Gpc quickly releases choline into the brain, easily overcoming the blood brain barrier and is a direct precursor of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter.

What is it for? In addition to being widely used for its effectiveness in the treatment of various types of cognitive disorders, some studies highlight the compound’s ability to increase growth hormone secretion while promoting the oxidation of fats in young adults.

3. Lepidium meyenii

What’s this? Also known as Maca from the Andes, this plant extract is titrated in ecdisterones, plant terpenes with an invigorating and adaptogenic action.

What is it for? Peruvian maca extract is often used to promote sexual vitality and fertility as well as a natural tonifier to support the endogenous synthesis of testosterone.

4. Testofen®

What’s this? It is a patented fenugreek extract containing over 100 phytochemical constituents, including Furostanols, Saponins and Steroidal Saponins.

What is it for? Containing a proprietary matrix of saponins glycosides called Fenuside, it can support sexual well-being, vitality, muscle mass and free testosterone levels.

5. Arginine Akg (A-AKG)

What’s this? It is one of the 20 amino acids normally used by our body for the synthesis of new proteins. This salified form with alpha ketoglutaric acid seems to be more bioavailable than the traditional one.

What is it for? Arginine Akg is a precursor of the gaseous nitric oxide compound and of Gh, hence its importance for stimulating intra workout pumping and endogenous synthesis of Gh, an anabolic and lipolytic hormone.

6. Magnesium Aspartate

What’s this? It is an electrolyte mineral salt involved in muscle and nervous system functioning.

What is it for? In addition to playing an important role in energy metabolism and acting as an invigorating against fatigue and tiredness, together with zinc mineral it is able to modulate the relationship between free testosterone and linked to specific proteins, the SHBG, which deactivate most of its activity anabolic.

7. Zinc Aspartate

What’s this? It is a fundamental metal for our body as a constituent element of over 200 enzymes and many other proteins. It is essential for the functionality of some enzymes that regulate cellular respiration.

What is it for? Together with Magnesium Aspartate it promotes the optimization of the blood levels of free testosterone.

8. Piridoxine

What’s this? It is a vitamin belonging to the family of the vitamin B complex, it is part of the so-called water-soluble vitamins that cannot be accumulated in the body, but require daily introduction from food sources.

What is it for? In this context, the primary function of Pyridoxine concerns the full metabolic use of the amino acids and other derivatives present in the formula, although the same acts synergistically together with zinc and magnesium in modulating the blood levels of free testosterone.

What to expect from Myobol-8

Maximum natural anabolic endocrine boost, optimization of endogenous levels of Gh and testosterone, greater strength and vitality, more efficient protein synthesis and support for lipolysis and body composition in well-trained subjects. If you are looking for a natural anabolic that can really support your intense training program and at the same time the delicate processes that lead to the construction of new muscle tissue, you must absolutely try the powerful synergy of the 8 ingredients that make up Myobol-8!

Directions: take 3 capsules a day with a large glass of water, in the morning or in the early afternoon.

Warnings: Do not take in the evening before going to sleep, as the content of Alpha Gpc could adversely affect the slow wave sleep phase. Do not exceed recommended daily doses. Keep out of the reach of children under the age of three. Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not use in pregnancy and in children or in any case for prolonged periods without hearing the opinion of the doctor.


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